It is time to tuck your cycle away for the winter, at least the sane riders are coming to that realization. So how can one handle the off season? If you are an aspiring mechanic, you can start doing all the necessary maintenance and maybe even tackle a bigger bike project. If you have some extra cash, the winter is the time to accessorise and improve your ride.
I would speculate that an all time favorite winter workout is to dream about one's next bike. I have never been much for dreaming about accumulating new stuff until I started motorcycling. I now have a list of things I want for my present bike. along with a list of bikes I would like to stable in my Nobody Garage.
My ultimate dream bike is a Honda ST 1100. It is a sports touring bike that would be great for all those Nobody Tours I intend to partake in throughout my golden years. The ST 1100 was manurfactured from 1990 - 2002 . It then was replaced by the ST1300. Hey, as you know I am not greedy, 1100 cc would be plenty for me. Actually being somewhat of a scardy cat, the 1100 seems big enough for me. I also would like to keep the price tag for my touring bike under $4,000. Well that bike purchase is down the road several miles for me. At the present time, I have $13.87 in my ST fund. (If you would like to contribute to my ST fund just contact me. I am not a non- profit entity yet, so you donations would not be considered a charitable contribution.)
A more realistic bike purchase for me is a small dual sport bike. I would like to get an older, somewhat beat up one. Something in the 125 - 200 cc range would be just great. I want this bike for a very practical, but also a very insane purpose. My dream is to ride to work year round. So the dual sport would be my winter bike. My thinking is; a small bike with studs on the tires would get me to work with the minimum of slips and falls. I think a small bike would not hurt much falling on top of me and also I could learn those vital dumping skills. Granted hitting signs, parked cars, fences, guardrail etc. would still hurt this old body. Hitting or getting hit by a moving car would be a major problem.
Now you may be saying; " you are crazy" and "your wife would never let you do such a stupid, reckless thing" Well ,I suppose I am crazy and if I get to purchase such a bike I may discover that the winter biking plan is unsafe and/or impractical. As far as my wife is concerned, she supports the idea with just one stipulation. I need to finish our basement before I buy my winter bike. I am now working on the basement with a renewed commitment and passion!
What is your next bike? Fill out the survey on the sidebar.