Saturday, November 22, 2008


Ask Kickstand is an email advice column dedicated to motorcycle questions. These questions can be technical; regrading mechanical issues, safety related, philosophical, spiritual or relationship issues.

Disclaimer: Kickstand is not a psychiatrist, a professional mechanic, Motorcycle Safety Trainer, pastor or a social worker. If a reader chooses to follow Kickstand's advice it is with the understanding that neither Kickstand nor the Nobody Motorcycle Club will be held liable.

Dear Kickstand,

I read your blog entry about Smelty this morning. My husband and I had quite a discussion about why he is not riding his "new " bike. We think he is afraid of the shear size and power of the Virago. Going from a KZ 440 to a Yamaha 920 is a big jump. He might be afraid to admit to his friends he has fears about riding it. We knew a neighbor guy who bought a brand new John Deer mower. He continued to use his old, smaller riding mower for two years. His new mower was kept in his garage polished and gassed up. Years later he admitted to his wife that he delayed riding it, because he was unsure he could handle it. He feared running into the bushes and having all the neighbors see him crash. We think some one needs to gently bring up the topic of cc fears to Smelty. We also thought it was odd that he was wearing clogs while sitting on his bike. To us that further confirms our suspicion that he is not "ready" to ride a big bike.


Lori The V Max Lover

Dear Lori,

I think you and your husband put a lot of though into your theory. You were very observant to notice that the bike is very clean. I'm not entirely sold on your cc fear theory. The picture reveals a couple of other clues regarding Smelty. You may notice that Smelty's hair is carefully combed and perfectly gelled. You may also have notice that his blue jeans have no wrinkles as they have been ironed. Smelty is a neat freak. So the clean bike may not necessarily be a sign of a love/fear relationship. You will also notice in the picture that he owns a Dodge truck. Smelty's persona smacks of " I'm a man's man", and for the most part that is true. So fearing the cc's may not necessarily be the root of his problems. Thanks for your thoughts. Lets keep thinking about this motorcycle mystery. Maybe some other readers will share their theories.

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