Sunday, May 22, 2016

Your Bike Is Ready.......Is Your Body?

The motorcycle season is here in Northern Minnesota.  Many bikers have prepared their bikes for the season, but very few have considered making sure their body is ready. Being in shape is certainly important, but The Nobodies are more interested in the superficial. Beloved President of the Nobodies, Kickstand got some new tattoos,colored his hair and beard. " I feel like I'm 40 again"!, Kickstand exclaimed to a Cycle World reporter. An article appeared in their May issue. The issue focuses on bike and body maintenance. Kickstand is featured as a biker who does everything wrong.  

When asked if being ridiculed by Cycle World  bothered him,,Kickstand  replied " I just march to a motor with a different rpm." Granted the Nobodies are certainly nonconformists. For instance the average weight of motorcycle club members in the nation is 221 pounds, while the average weight of a Nobody member is 122  pounds. The average cc's in the nation is 1,200 while in the Nobodies it is 400. Most motorcycle clubs average 40 speeding tickets per year, while the Nobodies get 16 citations yearly for going too slow, consequently blocking  traffic flow. Clubs usually consume 1,400 gallons of beer yearly, while the Nobodies consume 1 gallon of beer and 400 gallons of ice tea.

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