Sunday, May 29, 2016

One Reason I Like Riding In Crappy Weather

Most people associate motorcycle riding with warm, sunny weather. When there is a blue sky, gentle breeze and no chance of rain, one sees bikers out on the road enjoying the great day. I'll be out there too, but I look different than the majority of the other riders. 

I'll have all my protective gear on and to many I will look like a nut case! There will be riders wearing flip flops, t-shirts and shorts. Others will be dressed a little more appropriately for that possible flesh meets road experience, but the general dress code is dictated by " dress light and let the wind blow and sun shine on me"! I know people who will wear a helmet most of the time, except when it is a hot,sunny day. Just too uncomfortable to be cooped up in a helmet. Evidently they can schedule rides which guarantee no crashes. So in nice weather I really stick-out, not because of the usual reasons of social awkwardness and unkempt hair, but due to my dressing for the possible crash.  

For this reason, I enjoy riding in inclement weather. People just see a guy who is adventurous. Honestly it really doesn't matter what others think, but there is something nice about not being an odd ball once in awhile. I really do like riding in the rain and chilly weather is just fine for me too.

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