Saturday, October 22, 2011


It is approaching six months, since my motorcycle accident. This is the first time I have experience recovering from a serious injury. I've had a couple of knee surgeries and one back surgery, but in all of them I progressed along rather quickly. So this painfully slow recovery is a new experience for me.
There have been many disappointments related to my expectations of a speedy recovery. I believed that if I worked hard on my therapy every day and took good care of myself, I would be very near 100% in 6 months. I became discouraged when I didn't see the gains I expected and became concerned that some thing was wrong with my shoulder.
As time has passed, I have realized that it is important to note the small gains rather than to wait for some big break through. My body will heal at its own pace and I need to continue to be nice to it. It is the only body I have.......and where would I live if I didn't have my body? Granted it is a sorry thing in many ways, but I should not be mad at it or speak ill of it.
I celebrate the new pain free movements I can do with my left arm below shoulder level rather than fret about my lack of mobility above shoulder level. I enjoy swimming with my lame chicken wing and focus on how I can swim more laps.
Healing is about taking what your body will give you with thanksgiving. It is recognizing the pace of ones recovery and accepting it.
I don't enjoy being serious for more that a few minutes at a time. Actually I am not very good at serious talk, as I have spent the majority of my life honing my silly skills. So I hope my reflections on the art of healing are not too boring or ridiculous.
I just wanted to get back to blogging again and felt a need to share a few of my recent thoughts.
Until next time..........don't hit anything harder that a pillow with your motorcycle.

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