Tuesday, February 2, 2016


In the northern states, winter can be very hard on bikers. There are only so many bike repairs and upgrades one can do, then it is just a matter of sitting in a rocking chair an waiting for the snow to melt. I have found a few other activities that help pass the time and prepare me for another biking season.

1.  Get a few more tattoos

2.  Grow a beard

3.  Get another piercing

4.  Go on line and find another used sleeveless shirt on E bay

5.  Get some cosmetic surgery.... fight off the grandpa look

6.  Go out in the woods, wrestle down a wolf and pull out one of its teeth

7.  Make a wolf tooth necklace

8.  Watch Motorcycle Jeopardy

9. Learn how to knit

10.  Go to Florida and rent a bike for a week

Well, I've done all of the above and there is still snow on the ground in Northern Minnesota. I'm about ready to go nuts.

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