Saturday, January 22, 2011


I have been slumbering from my blog duties. When I quit riding, I go into a depression. Without my two wheeled friend is there really any thing to live for? In the past week I have started to look to the future, taking care of maintenance needs on my bikes and meeting with the Nobody Board to plan for the next spectacular riding season. We at the Nobody Motorcycle Club have survived a very difficult two years of financial challenges. Granted we have lost a considerable amount. Membership is down by 33%, we had to sell off 50% of our properties and closed a wing of our museum. We regretted laying off 5 people and asking another 6 to work for nothing. But because of these bold decisions, we are stronger and leaner. We are ready to move forward and fulfill our mission " take people for a ride". Granted we have had an illustrious past that can never be revisited. We are confident the plans we are putting into motion this year will revolutionize the motorcycle club industry. If you are able to attend our Nobody Motorcycle Club Annual Meeting in March, you will be the first to learn of our bold and creative approaches to the New Motorcycle Age. We will be announcing the date and location of our meeting in the coming week.

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