Before leaving we did need to do some work on Lizards 750. His rear sprocket on the bike was the not the original and in fact was too large. Backflash had found the correct size sprocket at a junk yard, so we put it on before wandering.
One always needs to take time to admire a motorcycle. Bikes are beautiful whether they are flawlessly restored or just every day rides.
Old sprocket off........
New old sprocket on.
Now for a little electrical work before getting back to the chain. Backflash demonstrates how to correct a brake light problem by doing a break light repair.
Measure the chain on the newer, smaller sprocket and figure out how many links need to be removed.
Grind the pin to remove the needed links.
Attach chain with the master link.
Adjust chain and tighten the axle nut.
Where are we going? We don't know. Who are we? We are Nobodies. Where are we from? Duluth, and we are stupid!
Backflash is looking forward to getting lost.
Backflashes brother is Eric Von Zipper. Are you familiar with him?
We end up some where in Carlton County.
Wandering has its rewards. We discovered some thing we were not looking for.
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