I was blessed with some very good first responders, who must have gotten to me in the first minute after the accident. Ironically a few days before the accident I have just completed my EMS First Responder refresher. So while I was being cared for, I was also doing a full body assessment of myself. The ambulance was on the scene in about 4 minutes and those two fellows were also great along with a fire crew and a squad car. I was not able to know who was doing what as my pain and trauma caused me to have tunnel vision, so I didn't see or hear too much. I do know some one called my wife and a coworker happened by the scene and stayed by my side until I was transported.
So a very wonderful community of caregivers were on that street corner doing their very best to help me. I do indeed that God for those people. I is amazing to think that a group of people assembled for 10 -15 minutes did a fantastic job caring for a stranger in need, then went back to their daily lives never to assemble again.
I ended up with a broke left leg (tibia) plateau fracture and a broke left arm (humerus) that required shoulder surgery. No other injuries other than a couple of little bruises! Wearing good protective gear Darrin Rideware by Aerostich, full face helmet and good motorcycle boots gave me the necessary protection.
I am in a wheel chair and out of work, but I will heal. I am also thankful that the driver who was involved in the accident had good car insurance and was honest about his responsibility. We all make mistakes and I appreciate that this fellow allow his insurance company to take responsibility for the accident in a timely manner.
So as I have time and energy to blog; I will be relating my thoughts about post accident issues and recovery.
I plan on riding again, maybe it will have its psychological challenges but I think I will continue to enjoy biking. As I am healing may you ride safe and smart. Kickstand