Thursday, November 5, 2009


Our last ride of the year is the Sturgeon Bike Week Ride. We go down Highway 23 then take some back roads over to Highway 61 to Sturgeon Lake and continue on 61 back to Duluth. This year the ride was on Saturday Oct. 17. It was in the low 40's and sunny.

Dirty Deeds, Kickstand and Pretzel

Left to right: Smelty, Thunder Brother,Dirty Deeds, Kickstand and Pretzel

We made a stop at the Nobody Museum where the curator Flash showed us around

Smelty and Pretzel are happy to be riding together. Smelty had cycle problems for a good part of the summer so he was not on many rides.

Dirty Deeds and Flash at the club house before the club headed down the road

Thunder Brother is getting better at riding in less than ideal conditions. By the time he is the age of Kickstand he will be riding in the snow and loving it.

I messed up and put the photos in the wrong order, so I am not including photos of the museum. But don't fret, I will do an article on that in a few days. We ended up riding down to Askov and eating lunch then heading back to Duluth as time became a factor. It was a 95 - 120 mile ride depending on where one called home. We are going to have more rides this late fall and winter, but they will be limited to the real stupid Nobodies.

As I am finishing this blog entry, Pretzel, Kickstand, Jawa and Smelty are still riding.

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