Thursday, November 12, 2009


Northern Minnesota has hundreds of miles of scenic roads to ride. I suppose there are many other areas in the United States that offer just as many great roads, but I think we have the best. One of my favorite rides is along the Northshore of Lake Superior.

Another great ride is on Highway 23, which is also called Veteran's Evergreen Memorial Drive This highway starts very near my home and goes diagonally across the state from Duluth to the southwestern corner of our state. The 50 mile section from Duluth to just past Askov is a great ride.

I want to introduce you to a fantastic eight mile section of road that goes through Jay Cooke State Park.

On the outskirts of Duluth in a community call Fond Du Lac highway 210 follows the St. Louis River into Jay Cooke State Park.

The roadway is in good conditions and winds through a forrest of white birch, poplar, maple, white pines, red pines and cedar. It is late fall in Duluth, but the temperature was near 50 when I took this ride on November 11. Our average high for this time of year is about 38 degrees, so we consider this weather rather balmy!

The St. Louis River is in the background.

After traveling 2 miles on 210 the road enters the state park.

After leaving the state park, the road brings you to the city of Thompson population 153.

Leaving Thompson the 210 crosses the St. Louis River.

About a mile past the bridge 210 enters the city of Carlton population around 330.

From Carlton there are many county roads that offer great motorcycling.

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