Saturday, May 7, 2011


Yesterday a took my first ride alone for the season.
Have you taken many rides alone?

It is not my first choice. I would much rather share the experiences of the day with some one else. To have an enjoyable ride alone requires clear expectations and some well defined goals. Last year I took a 270 mile ride alone. It was OK, but I really was not prepared for it. I knew where I wanted to go, was prepared with gear and such, but I was not clear about what I wanted to experience other than the ride and designation. I ended up only having two quick stops and eating a few snacks. When I returned, I felt a sense of accomplishment regarding doing the ride, but I was disappointed that I did not meet any one or have any interesting diversions.

Being alone is a good thing. It allows a person to think about what is going on in their life and take a look at themselves as a person.

It can be very introspective and reveal some important information. When all you have is your own thoughts, you may discover some interesting things about yourself.

But it is also important to have a plan about getting off your bike and meeting other people.

After I passed this beautiful section of the St. Louis River, I came upon a couple of bikers on the side of the road. I could have easily stopped and found out where they were from and where they were heading.......but it was easier and safer to just ride by.

This year I want to learn more about the art of riding alone. It will be a new bridge for me to cross and will require some thought and planning prior to the ride.

Let me know some of the things you have learn about riding alone.

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