Saturday, January 23, 2010


Do you believe in divine intervention? I would speculate that a majority of us humans would say yes, but there would probably be a wide spectrum of opinions on what divine intervention means and how such interventions effect our life.

Last summer while on a motorcycle trip, I was involved in two separate near misses on my motorcycle . Either of them, if they had played out in a different way, could have claimed my life.

After the second incident, I started thinking about whether or not God had spared my life. Since I am neither a deep thinker or much of a philosopher my thoughts usually lack depth, sound logic and philosophical value. But since this is my blog, I can pretend that my beloved readers value my insight and wisdom.

The question of divine intervention is a complex issue, because I believe it opens up a number of other questions that relate to how we view human life and more specifically our life. Is life random and consequently our decisions have a limited impact on what happens to us.? Or is life ordered and have meaning, because there is a Creator who brings purpose and value to every ones life?

Well, I don't believe life is random with our life experiences dependant on chance with personal decisions having a minimal impact. I believe that God exists and that the Creator is personal and consequently not only interested in us but seeks to be involved with us. Now don't worry, I am not going to give you my Christian spiel, I just wanted to let you know my basic stance.

So this past summer, when I was spared from a couple of nasty accidents, was God there perhaps using an angel to intervene? I have asked myself that question several times in the past months. In one way does it really matter that I know the dynamics of my near miss?
I don't think it matters in a practical sense, but it does matter in regards to my understanding of how God relates to me. I am not the type of person that needs to have an answer for every thing. I don't need or really desire to have life neatly packaged, in other words I am comfortable with mystery.

So where does that leave me in my quest for truth. I suppose I could do some reading and asked some people who are sharper than me, or I could just keep wondering.

You know one's imagination is a terrible thing to waste! Maybe my guardian angel is tattooed and enjoys motorcycles. Actually, I think I was assigned a different guardian angel, when I started riding motorcycles.

Things do change when one starts riding motorcycles. There are temptations related to speed and cornering. Paying attention is more critical and remembering all the sequencing of task prior to riding off (like raising the kickstand) can make a big difference.

I don't think that Clarence would be a good angel for me. He would have been fine when I was just a regular driver, but he just doesn't seem to be the type that could help me with my motorcycle issues.

There is a Bible verse ( Hebrews 13:2) that cautions folks to be willing to entertain strangers as you never know when that stranger is an angel. Now I am not talking about a Hells Angel, but a real guardian angel. For that matter, who's to say an angel can't be wearing leathers and a skull cap.
Like I say, I like the mystery and wonder of life.
Thanks God for sparing my life and letting me continue to ride motorcycles.

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