Younger riders are not as concerned about having their skin ripped off their bodies, consequently they are willing to wear shorts, t-shirts and even sandals while riding. Us older folks are more apt to defer the summer wear, because we think of the pain of road rash. Lets face it my body is a bit lumpy too. My Darien Ridewear covers those lumps quite well.
Older riders are not into jackrabbit starts and think about driving in ways to maximize their gas mileage. Our younger counterparts not only enjoy higher rpms and getting off from the light quickly, they also enjoy finding ways to get an adrenalin rush. Whether it is pushing the limit on a curvy road or shear speed on a straightaway, they have a need that the older rider finds unnecessary. Actually I don't know if I have any adrenalin left. I think I used all mine up years ago and it has been replace by a common sense gland. I now get a rush from going around a curve at 5mph over the speed limit!
I believe there are many other differences, but they all pale in comparison to the most significant difference. Young riders like:
Older riders like:
I just put a set of low/high tone horns on my bike this year. They are loud (134 decibles). I discovered on a recient ride up toward Ely that I can scare the majoriety of the deer I see along the roadside with my dyamic duo! Loud horns make alot of sense to me and I get a common sense rush when I use them.
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